So as I said before I wanted to become an accountant and the best way to ensure that I can work anywhere in the world as an accountant is to get my CPA. To do so I have to meet the requirements to take the test (I am currently doing so right now with my accounting minor). You can check out the courses offered at UCSD @ Of course if you aren't enrolled at UCSD you can still take the same courses at any other academic institution that offers them. What's important is taking the courses to qualify for the exam and not whether you major or minor in accounting.
So what exactly is the CPA and how do you qualify to sit for the exam? Read on, find out and STUDY STUDY STUDY!!! (A/N: the following information have been derived from lectures from professors who teach intro to accounting classes at UCSD) .
CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant. It acts both as a title and as a license. You can practice accounting with or without becoming a CPA; however, if you're aiming for a promotion or thinking about doing accounting in other states or other countries then passing the CPA exam is the best, and most likely the only, way to go. This is because the CPA license proves that you have thoroughly understood and mastered the entire standard accounting procedures and skills applied to businesses throughout the world. Acquiring the CPA license and becoming a CPA is equivalent to attaining an international accounting passport.
Not surprisingly, such a prodigious travel pass cannot be obtained easily. It can only be achieved through hard work and preservation. There are two different routes that qualify a candidate to take the CPA exam outlined in the following:
.:Pathway 1:.
Designed for individuals who will practice only in California and requires:
- A bachelor’s degree;
- 24 semester units in accounting-related subjects;
- 24 semester units in business-related subjects (accounting courses beyond the 24 required units may apply toward the business units);
- Passing the Uniform CPA Exam;
- Two years of general accounting experience supervised by a CPA with an active license; and
- Passing an ethics course.
.:Pathway 2:.
If you are licensed under this pathway, the majority of other states will recognize your license. If you think that someday you might want to practice in another state, Pathway 2 may provide you the professional mobility you desire. Requirements:
- A bachelor’s degree;
- 24 semester units in accounting-related subjects;
- 24 semester units in business-related subjects;
- 150 semester units (or 225 quarter units) of education;
- Passing the Uniform CPA Exam;
- One year of general accounting experience supervised by a CPA with an active license; and
- Passing an ethics course.
Since I am a Californian and do not plan on living abroad, either route will get me to the same place. However, if you do not fall into the same category as me, then your best bet will be to undergo Pathway 2 since it is the standard route for most people who want their CPAs.
After reading this blog you should gain the insight you need to understand what the CPA is, why it is important, and know what classes and experiences you are required to take in order to sit for the exam.
After reading this blog you should gain the insight you need to understand what the CPA is, why it is important, and know what classes and experiences you are required to take in order to sit for the exam.